
When Does Anxiety Require Professional Help?

Aug 09, 2024
When Does Anxiety Require Professional Help?
Anxiety is a natural survival instinct. However, this common feeling can sometimes become a serious health concern, requiring professional intervention. Read on to learn when your anxiety is a disorder that warrants help.

Most of us relate to feeling nervous before a significant event, such as an illness, final exam, or job interview. These feelings are your body's way of helping you focus and stay alert in challenging situations.

However, when these reactions become overwhelming, excessive, and persistent — impacting your quality of life — it may indicate an anxiety disorder and time to enlist professional help.

The licensed therapists at Infinity Care in Louisville, Kentucky, understand anxiety well and how its severity and symptoms vary greatly between individuals at different points in their lives.

Understanding Your Risk of an Anxiety Disorder

Approximately 40 million Americans suffer from anxiety disorders, making them the most common mental health condition in the country.

These disorders can start at any age but often begin in childhood or early adulthood. Nearly 30% of adults will experience an anxiety disorder at some point in their lives.

Anyone can develop an anxiety disorder, but certain factors can increase your risk, including:

  • Experiencing stressful or traumatic events
  • Personality traits like shyness or behavioral inhibition
  • Medical conditions, such as heart arrhythmias and thyroid issues
  • A family history of anxiety or other mental health conditions
  • Anxiety disorders are also more prevalent among women, possibly due to hormonal changes. Additionally, experts believe that women are less likely to seek treatment, potentially leading to more severe symptoms.

Ignoring an anxiety disorder can lead to various complications, such as headaches, chronic pain, substance abuse, digestive problems, and social withdrawal. It can also impact your ability to function in daily life, reduce your quality of life, and increase the risk of suicide.

If you frequently feel anxious, here are the signs that may indicate an anxiety disorder.

Recognizing an anxiety disorder

Many of us worry about various aspects of life, from health issues to financial matters. These worries may indicate an anxiety disorder when these worries hinder your daily activities.

There are various types of anxiety disorders, including:

  • Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD)
  • Panic disorders
  • Phobias 
  • Each form of anxiety has unique characteristics, but they also share symptoms. 

The feelings associated with anxiety disorders go beyond ordinary worry or nervousness. They can severely disrupt your daily life, cause disproportionate reactions, and make it difficult to control your responses.

Other common symptoms of an anxiety disorder include:

  • Restlessness or feeling on edge
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Excessive sweating
  • Rapid heart rate
  • Shaking or trembling
  • Sleep disturbances
  • Chronic fatigue or muscle tension
  • Panic attacks

Anxiety often co-exists with other mental health conditions, such as depression and https://www.infinitycareky.com/service/substance-abuse.

How Professionals Can Help

Fortunately, anxiety disorders are treatable. At Infinity Care, our licensed therapists take a comprehensive, whole-person approach to all mental health concerns.

The process begins with a thorough evaluation to assess your specific condition and needs. Based on this assessment, your Infinity therapist develops a tailored treatment plan.

Treatment for anxiety disorders typically includes one or more of the following:

This combination can effectively reduce symptoms and provide tools to manage anxiety.

If anxiety prevents you from living your fullest life, there’s help. Contact Infinity Care in Louisville, Kentucky, today. Call our office at (502) 290-9487 or request an appointment online