
Domestic Violence

Domestic Violence services offered in Louisville, KY

Domestic Violence

About 10 million Americans experience domestic violence every year. The Infinity Care team of DOC-certified professionals wants you to know you’re not alone and that help is available. In the Louisville, Kentucky, office and through convenient telehealth appointments, they can help you understand the situation, find support, and move forward in your life. There is a happy future for you, no matter how difficult your situation may seem right now. Call the office or click online scheduling for help now. 

Domestic Violence Q & A

What is domestic violence?

Domestic violence refers to abuse committed by a person in your domestic circle. It can be a spouse, romantic partner, parent, sibling, or friend, and they may or may not live with you full-time. 

The term “abuse” is a broad one, but unfortunately, domestic violence is often mistakenly perceived only as physical battering. Domestic violence can also refer to physical, mental, and emotional abuse. 


What are some common signs of domestic violence? 

In general, behaviors that frighten, manipulate, embarrass, isolate, coerce, threaten, blame, or injure another person qualify as domestic violence. Examples are:

Extreme jealousy

Some domestic violence situations involve extreme jealousy and irrational beliefs regarding other people.


Sexual abuse

Sexual abuse includes all sexual acts that you don’t consent to. Rape, other nonconsensual sexual acts, and coercion to participate in those acts are all sexual abuse. 



Control can include monitoring your phone calls, dictating what you wear, following you, and many other types of control. Financial control is common. 


Physical assault

Physical assault includes hitting, shoving, slapping, throwing objects, pushing, striking with objects, or other actions that affect you physically. 



Isolation includes any behaviors that increase reliance on your abuser and prevent you from getting support. Examples include forcing you to move away from your family, restricting your contact with friends, and preventing you from socializing.



Threats may be against your own life, loved ones, children, or pets. One typical example is threatening to track you down and harm you if you ever leave. 

These are only some of the many examples of domestic violence. No matter which experiences you have, you deserve to get support.


What kind of support is available for victims of domestic violence?

When you’re a victim of domestic violence, you might lack support because your relationships with loved ones may have eroded. 

You might have low self-esteem and feel depressed, anxious, or hopeless. Depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and substance use disorder (SUD) are all common among people living with or escaping domestic violence. 

But it’s important to know that things can and will change. Infinity Care offers full-scale support, including counseling, medication management, medication-assisted treatment (MAT), and other customized care to guide you through this dark time and into the light. 


Call Infinity Care for compassionate support or click online booking to make an in-person or telehealth appointment today.