

Telehealth services offered in Louisville, KY


Telehealth connects you with experienced mental health professionals virtually, from wherever you happen to be. At Infinity Care, telehealth services are one of the most common ways patients complete mental health assessments, counseling, and medication management. Convenience is essential for mental health care, and Infinity Care makes that easy. Call the Louisville, Kentucky, office or book an appointment using the online feature today. 

Telehealth Q & A

What is telehealth?

Telehealth is virtual health care. In telehealth appointments, you use a smartphone, computer, or tablet to meet a member of the Infinity Care team. 

Thanks to high-definition video and crystal-clear audio on digital devices today, telehealth is virtually the same as being in the room with your provider in person. 


When can I use telehealth services?

Telehealth services are available for nearly any mental and behavioral health care available at Infinity Care. This includes:

Mental health evaluations

Mental health evaluations include a detailed analysis of your symptoms, mental health history, and personal treatment needs. Because this type of evaluation is primarily about symptom screening versus hands-on care, you can usually complete it through telehealth. 



Counseling is also called talk therapy. It’s a great fit for telehealth since you don’t need to be there in person. 

Counseling provides mental health education, teaches you useful coping skills, and helps you create the life you desire.


Medication management 

Medication management is for patients who take prescription drugs to treat their mental health disorders. It includes monitoring your medication, dosage adjustments, medication changes, and refills. 

While you may need to have appointments in the Louisville office occasionally, medication management, including refills, is often done with telehealth. 


Medication-assisted treatment (MAT)

MAT is a type of medication management specifically for people with substance use disorder (SUD). Some types of MAT are done in the office. For example, a medical provider performs Vivitrol injections (for alcohol use disorder).

Other types of MAT are self-administered, so you might be able to have monitoring appointments through telehealth. 


What are the advantages of telehealth?

Telehealth provides mental health care in a way that can fit into your life easily. Many patients appreciate telehealth because:

  • You can connect from home, work, while traveling, or anywhere else
  • No time or money spent traveling to the office
  • No need to be around other (possibly sick) people
  • No need to schedule a babysitter
  • You can get mental health care where you feel most comfortable 

Infinity Care provides all-encompassing mental health care, and the team believes that telehealth is one of the most important ways to reach and help patients. To schedule your telehealth appointment, call the Louisville office or click the online booking button now.